10 December 2007

Mini-Tirade: Alicia Keys feat. John Mayer – Lesson Learned

Continuing in the vein of complete girlishness inaugurated in my last entry (see Tirade 7), my love for John Mayer abounds. Specifically, my love for his contribution to Alicia Keys’ “Lesson Learned” from the otherwise unimpressive As I Am (J Records, 2007) abounds.

Oh, John Mayer, when you croon “It’s all right, it’s all right”, I believe you. I believe you.

P.S. Does anyone else think she looks a bit waxy on the album cover? ("As I Am", Alicia? Please, as you were. I'm begging.)


SarahChantel said...

Ummmmmmmmmmmm Alicia's album is great and she's more beautiful than ever on the cover. I think Even the man you're kissing up to(John Mayer) said it himself. She's a future legend, beautiful and talented

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.